Welcome To Roaring Fork Baptist Church
In Beautiful Gatlinburg TN
Praise The Lord!!! Welcome to God's Church. We are glad you have taken the time to visit our website. We would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you and your family to worship with us.
Click Here at 10:45 am Eastern Time every Sunday to watch our sermon LIVE online
​Sunday Breakfast
Begins at 9:00 am every Sunday.
Sunday School
Begins at 9:45 am every Sunday
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Morning service begins at 10:45 am
Sunday Evening Worship Service
Evening service begins at 6:00 pm
Wednesday Evening
Dinner begins at 5:30 pm
Adults Bible Study/Church/Youth Bible Class
Begins at 6:30 pm
Sunday Morning Services Provided
Nursery: Ages 2 and under downstairs in room B102
Junior Church: Ages 3 - 8 can attend a church designed just for them during Sunday morning services downstairs in room B108

If you are new and need more information Click Here